更新时间:2024-07-19 19:03:23
leetcode 答案力码 每周回顾: 1.快速排序/合并排序 912 - 2. 总和为 K 的子数组的数量 560 - 3. LIS 300 - 4. Kadane 53 - 5. 子数组最大和不大于k sorted_presum = [ 0 ] # add 0 to handle empty list case ans = - sys . maxsize running_sum = 0 for num in arr : running_sum += num target_sum = running_sum - k index = bisect_left ( sorted_presum , target_sum ) if index < len ( sorted_presum ): # if index == len(sorted_presum) it means all the previous presum is smaller than the target, so no valid subarray whose sum is no greater than k ans = m
----Skyline and Line sweep()
----Interval Tree()
----Union Find()
----Bit manipulation()
----Monotonic Queue()
----Permutation and Combination()
----Number Theory()
----Fenwick Tree or Binary Indexed Tree()
----Range Query()
----Binary Search()
----Sliding Window()
----Linked List()
----Binary Search Tree()
----Sieve of Eratosthenes()