文件名称:CSUR 2012-ACM Computing Surveys 2012
更新时间:2016-02-25 18:24:36
ACM SCI 2012 论文集 综述性期刊
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ACM Computing Surveys 2012
----Volume 44 Issue 1, January 2012()
--------A Survey of Automatic Query Expansion in Information Retrieval.pdf(2.66MB)
--------Flow Oriented Approaches to QoS Assurance.pdf(809KB)
--------A Comparative Study of Palmprint Recognition Algorithms.pdf(1.89MB)
--------A Survey on Personalized TV and NGN Services through Context-Awareness.pdf(300KB)
--------Flow Logic for Process Calculi.pdf(349KB)
----Volume 45 Issue 1, November 2012()
--------Survey of scheduling techniques for addressing shared resources in multicore processors.pdf(269KB)
--------Privacy in mobile technology for personal healthcare.pdf(389KB)
--------On physical-layer identification of wireless devices.pdf(378KB)
--------Search-based software engineering_ Trends, techniques and applications.pdf(476KB)
--------QoS routing in wireless sensor networks—a survey.pdf(121KB)
--------Translation techniques in cross-language information retrieval.pdf(599KB)
--------Time-series data mining.pdf(433KB)
--------Agent-based simulation for large-scale emergency response_ A survey of usage and implementation.pdf(739KB)
--------Dependability modeling and analysis of software systems specified with UML.pdf(977KB)
--------Ensemble approaches for regression_ A survey.pdf(352KB)
--------A survey and projection on medium access control protocols for wireless sensor networks.pdf(898KB)
--------A comparison of index-based lempel-Ziv LZ77 factorization algorithms.pdf(210KB)
----Volume 44 Issue 3, June 2012()
--------Recent thermal management techniques for microprocessors.pdf(538KB)
--------A vocabulary of program slicing-based techniques.pdf(1.04MB)
--------Behavioral interface specification languages.pdf(796KB)
--------Mitigating program security vulnerabilities _ Approaches and challenges.pdf(420KB)
--------Runtime countermeasures for code injection attacks against C and C++ programs.pdf(297KB)
--------Control-flow analysis of functional programs.pdf(238KB)
--------A review of recent advances in 3D ear- and expression-invariant face biometrics.pdf(5.1MB)
--------Processing flows of information _ From data stream to complex event processing.pdf(719KB)
----Volume 44 Issue 2, February 2012()
--------Free Libre open-source software development_ What we know and what we do not know.pdf(692KB)
--------Structuring dimensions for collaborative systems evaluation.pdf(2.43MB)
--------A survey on automated dynamic malware-analysis techniques and tools.pdf(360KB)
--------A survey of emerging approaches to spam filtering.pdf(1.34MB)
----Volume 44 Issue 4, August 2012()
--------Graphical passwords_ Learning from the first twelve years.pdf(12.95MB)
--------Ontology learning from text_ A look back and into the future.pdf(3.69MB)
--------A review of error estimation in adaptive quadrature.pdf(467KB)
--------A taxonomy and survey of SCTP research.pdf(1.8MB)
--------Survey of state melding in virtual worlds.pdf(3.93MB)
--------A survey of adaptive services to cope with dynamics in wireless self-organizing networks.pdf(427KB)
--------A survey of context data distribution for mobile ubiquitous systems.pdf(620KB)
--------On the stability of interdomain routing.pdf(650KB)
--------Assistive tagging_ A survey of multimedia tagging with human-computer joint exploration.pdf(8.23MB)