Safer,DJ 和 Allen,RP 多动症儿童:诊断和管理。 马里兰州巴尔的摩:大学公园出版社,1976 年,239 页,[美元]9.75

时间:2024-07-19 11:21:41

文件名称:Safer,DJ 和 Allen,RP 多动症儿童:诊断和管理。 马里兰州巴尔的摩:大学公园出版社,1976 年,239 页,[美元]9.75



更新时间:2024-07-19 11:21:41

学术 论文

Safer, D. J., and Allen, R. P. Hyperactive children: Diagnosis and management. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press, 1976, 239 pp., [dollar]9.75 238 Psychology in the Schools, April, lQW, Vol. 14, Yo. 2. SAFER, D. J., and ALLEN, It. P. Hyperactive Children: Diagnosis and Manage- ment. Baltimore, IUD: University Park Press, 1976, 239 pp., $9.75. VALETT, R. E. The Psychoeducational Treatment of Hyperactive Childre?, . Bel- mont, CA: Fcaron, 1974, 113 pp., $3.75 (paper). Professional in
