TurboPower Async Professional(重新上传)

时间:2011-12-13 04:50:39
文件名称:TurboPower Async Professional(重新上传)
更新时间:2011-12-13 04:50:39
APro 4.07 We are finally done with release candidates. The components seem to be quite stable now. This release contains a few minor enhancements. Enhancements ------------ ShowException is no long used to report Windows errors encountered by the serial port I/O threads. Windows errors are now reported via the OnTriggerLineError event. The Error argument to OnTriggerLineError will be leIOError (10) to indicate that a Windows error has occurred. A new property (LastWinError) contains the actual windows error code. The calling program must still use AddStatusTrigger and SetStatusTrigger to cause the OnTriggerLineError event to fire. Specifying any of the ls* flags to SetStatusTrigger will cause OnTriggerLineError to fire if a Windows error is encountered. The CurrentPage property of TApdSendFax has been made writable. This allows you to specify the starting page number for a fax. Thanks to Danny Ambrose for submitting this enhancement.


  • 下错了,这是一个工具,并不是控件包
  • 可以使用,不过能够支持的modem不多了。
  • 可以用,但用着不顺
  • 能安装,能用,使用起来感觉不错
  • 能安装,,,但感觉不太好..