文件名称:105s print label set
更新时间:2019-03-22 08:59:03
105S print
使用vb控制105s打印机指令打印标签,Private Sub Print_Test_SN(Model_Name As String, WeekDate As Date, SN As Long) Dim filehandle As Integer Dim ModelName As String Dim yearweek As String Dim str_vale() As String Dim Vale As String Dim SN_36 As String Dim Model As String Dim Xtop, Ytop, Xstep, Ystep As Single Dim BarcodeSN, ModelSN, YearweekSN As String Vale = "-" yearweek = "" str_vale() = Split(Model_Name, Vale) yearweek = Format(WeekDate, "yy") & Format(Format(WeekDate, "ww"), "00") Model = str_vale(1) + str_vale(2) SN_36 = UCase(DEC_to_ZEX(SN)) BarcodeSN = Model & "04" & yearweek & "1" & SN_36 ModelSN = Left(Trim(Model_Name), Len(Model_Name) - 2) & Right(Trim(Model_Name), 2) & " 04" YearweekSN = yearweek & "-1-" & SN_36 Xtop = Text1.Text Ytop = Text2.Text Xstep = 448 For i = 1 To 2 cc = "^XA ^LH5,20 ^LL1964" m = 0 For K = 1 To i - 1 m = i * i Next K For j = 1 To 4 cc = cc + " ^DTR:ARIAL.TTF,52010 ^MD 20 ^PRA,E ^FO" & Xtop + (j - 1) * Xstep & "," & Ytop & " ^BQN,2,5 ^FDM0," & BarcodeSN & j + m & "^FS ^FO" & Xtop + (j - 1) * Xstep + 110 & "," & Ytop + 10 & " ^A0N,32,24 ^FD" & ModelSN & "^FS ^FO" & Xtop + (j - 1) * Xstep + 110 & "," & Ytop + 45 & " ^A0N,32,24 ^FD" & YearweekSN & " " & j + m & "^FS ^FO" & Xtop + (j - 1) * Xstep + 110 & "," & Ytop + 80 & " ^A0N,32,32 ^FDMade In China^FS " Next j cc = cc + "^XZ" filehandle = FreeFile Open "LPT1" For Output As filehandle Print #filehandle, cc Close filehandle Next i End Sub