Four Languages From Forty Years Ago(NewCrafts 2019).pdf

时间:2022-06-07 09:28:59
文件名称:Four Languages From Forty Years Ago(NewCrafts 2019).pdf
更新时间:2022-06-07 09:28:59
F# Author: Scott Wlaschin, F# trainer and consultant at (More info and video at The 1970's were a golden age for new programming languages, but do they have any relevance to programming today? Can we still learn from them? In this talk, we'll look at four languages designed over forty years ago -- SQL, Prolog, ML, and Smalltalk -- and discuss their philosophy and approach to programming, which is very different from most popular languages today. We'll come away with some practical principles that are still very applicable to modern development. And you might discover your new favorite programming paradigm!
