PixnetHackday2015:Pixnet Hackday 2015

时间:2021-05-18 16:13:54
文件名称:PixnetHackday2015:Pixnet Hackday 2015
更新时间:2021-05-18 16:13:54
PHP 欧喷。豆知识- Pixnet Hackathon 2015 Pixnet Hackathon 2015: Deck: 「欧喷豆知识」是把广告转换成open data 豆知识的扩充套件,使用者能订阅感兴趣的open data,它会很厉害的把你不想看的广告遮掉,让您轻松获得豆知识,无负担。另外,我们也提供热门豆知识排行榜! We proposed adblocker-liked knowledge ads extension on chrome. User could select their interest topics for TW open data and random mapping the topics over ads. Besides, we also provide leader board to show which topics get highest ra
