文件名称:Murray-Seegert, C. (1989). Nasty girls, thugs, and humans like us: Social relations between severely disabled and nondisabled students in high school. Baltimore: *es. 198 pp.,[dollar]22.00 (paper)
更新时间:2024-07-19 12:06:36
学术 论文
Murray-Seegert, C. (1989). Nasty girls, thugs, and humans like us: Social relations between severely disabled and nondisabled students in high school. Baltimore: *es. 198 pp.,[dollar]22.00 (paper) Book Reviews 367 In summary, this book deserves a wide readership. Many different support person- nel in the schools work with children with learning problems: remedial reading instruc- tors, curriculum supervisors, learning disabilities personnel, as well as school psychologists. All of the