Aversiveness of teacher-chosen interventions and student problem characteristics: Is there a relationship?

时间:2024-07-19 13:52:03

文件名称:Aversiveness of teacher-chosen interventions and student problem characteristics: Is there a relationship?



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:52:03

学术 论文

Aversiveness of teacher-chosen interventions and student problem characteristics: Is there a relationship? Fragile X Syndrome 389 WECHSLER, D. (1958). The measurement and appraisal of adult intelligence. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. WELLS, T. E., MADISON, L. S. (1986). Assessment of behavior change in a fragile X syndrome male treated with folic acid. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 23, 291-296. Psychology in the Schools Volume 26, October 1989 AVERSIVENESS OF TEACHER-CHOSE
