
时间:2014-07-13 13:40:50
更新时间:2014-07-13 13:40:50
pb if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_CHOOSE_C_CHOOSE_CO_COURSES') then alter table choose_course delete foreign key FK_CHOOSE_C_CHOOSE_CO_COURSES end if; if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_CHOOSE_C_CHOOSE_CO_STUDENT') then alter table choose_course delete foreign key FK_CHOOSE_C_CHOOSE_CO_STUDENT end if; if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_STUDENT_HAVE_STUD_SCHOOL') then alter table student delete foreign key FK_STUDENT_HAVE_STUD_SCHOOL end if; if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_TEACH_TE_TEACH_TEA_COURSES') then alter table teach_teachers delete foreign key FK_TEACH_TE_TEACH_TEA_COURSES end if; if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_TEACH_TE_TEACH_TEA_TEACHER') then alter table teach_teachers delete foreign key FK_TEACH_TE_TEACH_TEA_TEACHER end if; if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='FK_TEACHER_HAVE_TEAC_SCHOOL') then alter table teacher delete foreign key FK_TEACHER_HAVE_TEAC_SCHOOL end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='choose_course2_FK' and t.table_name='choose_course' ) then drop index choose_course.choose_course2_FK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='choose_course_FK' and t.table_name='choose_course' ) then drop index choose_course.choose_course_FK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='choose_course_PK' and t.table_name='choose_course' ) then drop index choose_course.choose_course_PK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='courses_PK' and t.table_name='courses' ) then drop index courses.courses_PK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='school_PK' and t.table_name='school' ) then drop index school.school_PK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='have_student_FK' and t.table_name='student' ) then drop index student.have_student_FK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='student_PK' and t.table_name='student' ) then drop index student.student_PK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='teach_teachers2_FK' and t.table_name='teach_teachers' ) then drop index teach_teachers.teach_teachers2_FK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='teach_teachers_FK' and t.table_name='teach_teachers' ) then drop index teach_teachers.teach_teachers_FK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='teach_teachers_PK' and t.table_name='teach_teachers' ) then drop index teach_teachers.teach_teachers_PK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='have_teacher_FK' and t.table_name='teacher' ) then drop index teacher.have_teacher_FK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.sysindex i, sys.systable t where i.table_id=t.table_id and i.index_name='teacher_PK' and t.table_name='teacher' ) then drop index teacher.teacher_PK end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.systable where table_name='choose_course' and table_type='BASE' ) then drop table choose_course end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.systable where table_name='courses' and table_type='BASE' ) then drop table courses end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.systable where table_name='school' and table_type='BASE' ) then drop table school end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.systable where table_name='student' and table_type='BASE' ) then drop table student end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.systable where table_name='teach_teachers' and table_type='BASE' ) then drop table teach_teachers end if; if exists( select 1 from sys.systable where table_name='teacher' and table_type='BASE' ) then drop table teacher end if; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: choose_course */ /*==============================================================*/ create table choose_course ( course_id varchar(16) not null, student_id varchar(16) not null, score decimal(5,2), primary key (course_id, student_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: choose_course_PK */ /*==============================================================*/ create unique index choose_course_PK on choose_course ( course_id ASC, student_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: choose_course_FK */ /*==============================================================*/ create index choose_course_FK on choose_course ( course_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: choose_course2_FK */ /*==============================================================*/ create index choose_course2_FK on choose_course ( student_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: courses */ /*==============================================================*/ create table courses ( course_id varchar(16) not null, course_name varchar(32), course_content varchar(255), course_book varchar(64), primary key (course_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: courses_PK */ /*==============================================================*/ create unique index courses_PK on courses ( course_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: school */ /*==============================================================*/ create table school ( school_id varchar(16) not null, school_sname varchar(32) not null, school_fname varchar(255), school_admin varchar(16), school_jl varchar(255), primary key (school_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: school_PK */ /*==============================================================*/ create unique index school_PK on school ( school_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: student */ /*==============================================================*/ create table student ( student_id varchar(16) not null, school_id varchar(16), student_name varchar(16) not null, student_sex varchar(2) not null, student_birth date, student_party varchar(16), student_from varchar(32), student_addr varchar(64), student_tel varchar(32), student_head varchar(32), student_detail varchar(255), student_photo long binary, primary key (student_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: student_PK */ /*==============================================================*/ create unique index student_PK on student ( student_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: have_student_FK */ /*==============================================================*/ create index have_student_FK on student ( school_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: teach_teachers */ /*==============================================================*/ create table teach_teachers ( course_id varchar(16) not null, teacher_id varchar(16) not null, primary key (course_id, teacher_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: teach_teachers_PK */ /*==============================================================*/ create unique index teach_teachers_PK on teach_teachers ( course_id ASC, teacher_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: teach_teachers_FK */ /*==============================================================*/ create index teach_teachers_FK on teach_teachers ( course_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: teach_teachers2_FK */ /*==============================================================*/ create index teach_teachers2_FK on teach_teachers ( teacher_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: teacher */ /*==============================================================*/ create table teacher ( teacher_id varchar(16) not null, school_id varchar(16), teacher_name varchar(16) not null, teacher_sex varchar(2), teacher_birth date, teacher_level varchar(16), teacher_duty varchar(16), teacher_addr varchar(64), teacher_tel varchar(32), primary key (teacher_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: teacher_PK */ /*==============================================================*/ create unique index teacher_PK on teacher ( teacher_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: have_teacher_FK */ /*==============================================================*/ create index have_teacher_FK on teacher ( school_id ASC ); alter table choose_course add foreign key FK_CHOOSE_C_CHOOSE_CO_COURSES (course_id) references courses (course_id) on update restrict on delete restrict; alter table choose_course add foreign key FK_CHOOSE_C_CHOOSE_CO_STUDENT (student_id) references student (student_id) on update restrict on delete restrict; alter table student add foreign key FK_STUDENT_HAVE_STUD_SCHOOL (school_id) references school (school_id) on update restrict on delete restrict; alter table teach_teachers add foreign key FK_TEACH_TE_TEACH_TEA_COURSES (course_id) references courses (course_id) on update restrict on delete restrict; alter table teach_teachers add foreign key FK_TEACH_TE_TEACH_TEA_TEACHER (teacher_id) references teacher (teacher_id) on update restrict on delete restrict; alter table teacher add foreign key FK_TEACHER_HAVE_TEAC_SCHOOL (school_id) references school (school_id) on update restrict on delete restrict;
附录A 源代码的使用方法.doc


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  • 很好 很强大 功能 实现的很好
  • 很好 很强大 功能 实现的很好
  • 弄了半天,还是弄不出来,好像文件不全
  • 你的数据库文件在哪儿呢?
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