Psychodrama and sociodrama in primary and secondary education

时间:2021-06-29 16:56:25
文件名称:Psychodrama and sociodrama in primary and secondary education
更新时间:2021-06-29 16:56:25
学术 论文 Psychodrama and sociodrama in primary and secondary education 96 Psychology in the Schools, January, 1980, Vol. 17, No. 1. RUSSELL, P. L., & BRANDSMA. J. M. A theoretical and empirical integration of the Rational-Emotive and SAviDcE, B. M. The effect of selected experiences on apprehensiveness toward student teaching (Doctoral TREESE, W. D. The effects of microteaching on teaching attitudes, anxieties and values (Doctoral disserta- TREXLER, L. D., & KARST, T. 0. Rational-Emotive therap
