Object Thingking 英文文字版pdf

时间:2021-02-14 13:37:09
文件名称:Object Thingking 英文文字版pdf
更新时间:2021-02-14 13:37:09
object thinking OO pdf 英文版 object thinking 英文高清原版文字版 pdf In OBJECT THINKING, esteemed object technologist David West contends that the mindset makes the programmer—not the tools and techniques. Delving into the history, philosophy, and even politics of object-oriented programming, West reveals how the best programmers rely on analysis and conceptualization—on thinking—rather than formal process and methods. Both provocative and pragmatic, this book gives form to what’s primarily been an oral tradition among the field’s revolutionary thinkers—and it illustrates specific object-behavior practices that you can adopt for true object design and superior results.
