文件名称:Use of the meeting street school screening test and the myklebust pupil rating scale with first-grade black urban children
更新时间:2024-07-19 13:08:44
学术 论文
Use of the meeting street school screening test and the myklebust pupil rating scale with first-grade black urban children 386 Psychology in the Schools, October, 1976, Vol. 13, No. 4. GLASSER, A. J., & ZIMMERMAN, I. 1,. Clinical interpretation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for KAUFMAN, A. S. Factor analysis of the WISC-It a t 11 age levels between 6% and 16% years. Journal KAUFMAN, A. S. A new approach to the interpretation of test scatter on the WISC-R. Journal KAUFMAN, A. S. V