adr:Architecture Decision Records in Node.js with Reporter, supported Windows, GNULinux, macOS - 轻量级架构决策记录工具

时间:2021-05-29 22:52:05
文件名称:adr:Architecture Decision Records in Node.js with Reporter, supported Windows, GNULinux, macOS - 轻量级架构决策记录工具
更新时间:2021-05-29 22:52:05
adr architecture-doc architecture-visualization architecture-decision-records architecture-guidelines ADR - Architecture Decision Records(轻量级架构决策记录工具) ADR - Architecture Decision Records(轻量级架构决策记录工具) Inspired by , but supported Windows. ADR Blogpost: A good material about 中文翻译: 功能特性 支持 Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS Markdown 目录生成 为项目经理、业务人员等非开发人员,生成报表:HTML,CSV, JSON 兼容 adr-tools 国际化支持:English、中文、Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br), Standard Italian (it-IT) 状态历史 状态查询 更好的列表展示 兼容 adr-tools Features Supported
