Correlates of ability patterns in children and adults: Implications for teaching

时间:2024-07-19 13:54:26

文件名称:Correlates of ability patterns in children and adults: Implications for teaching



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:54:26

学术 论文

Correlates of ability patterns in children and adults: Implications for teaching CORRELATES OF ABILITY PATTERNS I N CHILDREN AND ADULTS: IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHING KEITH ll.4RTON AND ALAN B. HOROWITZ Uiiiversily of Califnrnia, Davis Several researches are presented a.s evidence that children wit,h a high verbal - low spat,ial ability profile tend to respond in t,he “usual” way to social rein- forcement or praise, whereas children with a high spatial - low verbal profile do not, find s
