C++ Basic

时间:2011-10-30 09:48:36

文件名称:C++ Basic



更新时间:2011-10-30 09:48:36

c++ 电子书

全英文的哦。。还可以练英语 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO C++ 2 Origins of the C++ Language 2 C++ and Object-Oriented Programming 3 The Character of C++ 3 C++ Terminology 4 A Sample C++ Program 4 1.2 VARIABLES, EXPRESSIONS, AND ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS 6 Identifiers 6 Variables 8 Assignment Statements 10 Pitfall: Uninitialized Variables 12 Tip: Use Meaningful Names 13 More Assignment Statements 13 Assignment Compatibility 14 Literals 15 Escape Sequences 17 Naming Constants 17 Arithmetic Operators and Expressions 19 Integer and Floating-Point Division 21 Pitfall: Division with Whole Numbers 22 Type Casting 23 Increment and Decrement Operators 25 Pitfall: Order of Evaluation 27 1.3 CONSOLE INPUT/OUTPUT 28 Output Using cout 28 New Lines in Output 29 Tip: End Each Program with \n or endl 30 Formatting for Numbers with a Decimal Point 30 Output with cerr 32 Input Using cin 32 Tip: Line Breaks in I/O 34 1.4 PROGRAM STYLE 35 Comments 35 1.5 LIBRARIES AND NAMESPACES 36 Libraries and include Directives 36 Namespaces 37 Pitfall: Problems with Library Names 38 CHAPTER SUMMARY 38 ANSWERS TO SELF-TEST EXERCISES 39 PROGRAMMING PROJECTS 41
