识别学生在管理 WAIS-R 中的错​​误

时间:2024-07-19 13:32:14

文件名称:识别学生在管理 WAIS-R 中的错​​误



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:32:14

学术 论文

Identifying students' errors in administering the WAIS-R Teachers’ Attributions for Low Achievement 83 research is needed to understand the dynamics of the interactions between teachers and students with patterns of low achievement. REFERENCES BAR-TAL, D., & DAROM, E. (1979). COOPER, H. M., & BURGER, J. (1980). COOPER, H. M. & GOOD, T. L. (1983). Pygmalian grows up. New York: Longman. COVINGTON, M.V., & OMELICH, C. L. (1979). Effort: The double-edged sword in school achievement. Jou
