
时间:2010-08-23 06:25:48
更新时间:2010-08-23 06:25:48
VRML 毕业设计 虚拟校园 Virtual reality technology is to create a kind of fictitious environment through the computer, through such function as vision , sense of hearing , sense of touch , and so on. they will make the user feel the same of the reality , and can realize the user and the environment to interact directly.
VRML can construct virtual scenes and realize the interactions between users and virtual scenes. The system of fictitious is the result of combining the data of campus and virtual reality technology, it has shown the campus through the function of the seeing, sense of hearing, is a simple virtual reality system, The system of fictitious campus that every module forms after being integrated can be released in the form of webpage through Internet, user need installation plug-in package can use all functions at IE browser alone, this has very practical value to use of the system of fictitious campus.
through using the method of based on UML to analyze and design the system., Java and roaming technology based on VRML and Java has been widely used in virtual reality systems realization because of its advantages, a school roaming system using this method has been programmed successfully.


  • 东西很多,慢慢研究
  • 好用,嗯嗯嗯
  • 还不错,值得研究
  • 虚拟校园方面的有用资料
  • 很好很强大,确实可以使用。
  • 很强大,很全面!
  • 这个还不错,内容挺丰富的。
  • 系统很大,学习的好资源
  • 做得很复杂,要好好学习呢
  • 做得很大,图片也很多,很给力。很有参考价值
  • 值得一看的,里面的资源是很丰富的
  • 最近一直在研究这方面的知识,很有启发。
  • 值得一看的,里面的资源是很丰富的
  • 很好·~如果想学习建立一个大型区域的框架系统,这个值得一看喔~
  • 我用NetScape浏览器打开虚拟校园文件夹下的“虚拟校园.wrl”,运行不了.抽时间再研究研究
  • 所有的三维造型都是用vrmlpad完成的,这个工程量很大的,场景考虑的很全面,不过好像没有交互
  • 这个真不错,工程量巨大,看得出花了一番心思的,如果加上说明,介绍一下就更好了
  • 建模精细,画面质量高,非常好的分享,OK
  • 很庞大的一个建模!场景设置很全面,很细致!~强烈推荐
  • 这个绝对一级棒 建模很精细 画面感觉很好 可以看出是下了很大的功夫的 用pad打开可以看见代码 认真分析可以学到很多 唯一的瑕疵是没有说明文档 不过 还是强力推荐