reddit-search:Reddit 搜索

时间:2021-07-21 15:10:51
文件名称:reddit-search:Reddit 搜索
更新时间:2021-07-21 15:10:51
JavaScript 概括 单页 Subreddit 搜索应用程序使用 Angular JS 和 Reddit API 来获取给定搜索的最新 subreddit 主题 1 天内构建的实验性应用程序,探索全栈、MEAN JS 原型用例: - [x] As a User, So that I can stay on top of the latest trends I want to be able to search for the latest subreddits - [x] As an admin So that I can understand what people are searching I want to be able to store user searches in a database that can send to an API e
