Linux and Unix Shell Programming

时间:2011-10-16 10:20:55
文件名称:Linux and Unix Shell Programming
更新时间:2011-10-16 10:20:55
Shell Linux Unix Book Description With more and more systems being run under UNIX and Linux, the ability to program and customize the shell quickly and reliably to get the best out of any individual system is becoming a more and more important skill for anyone operating and maintaining these systems. This comprehensive book is a practical, easy-to-use guide to programming and using the Bourne shell for beginners and experienced users - the Bourne shell is the standard shell for UNIX, and is also fully backward compatible to the Linux BASH shell. This book will fully illustrate the ability of the shell to unlock the real potential of UNIX and Linux, and aims to get the reader up, running and creating robust shell scripts for real tasks and situations as quickly as possible - shell scripts that will work on any mainstream UNIX or Linux machine. If you are new to UNIX and Linux or if you are a power user in waiting then this book is for you. Most shell programming books merely annotate manual pages and syntax , but in this book users of all abilities will find plenty of practical working examples - all of which are available as full code script via an ftp site - as well as a host of tips, tricks and code one-liners, that will save you time on a day-to-day basis. The book is organized into self-contained chapters on individual topics for ease of reference. Linux and Unix Shell Programming is structured in 5 parts: * Part 1 deals with the Shell itself, introducing the various commands and syntax * Part 2 introduces all the major text filtering tools available to the shell * Part 3 explains the login environment and customization * Part 4 covers basic shell programming * Part 5 introduces more advanced shell programming techniques Features: * Practical advice and guidance for beginner and advanced programmers alike * Easy access to specific topics through self-contained chapters for day-to-day reference. * Every chapter backed up with real, practical examples * Full of tested time-saving code one-liners * All programming examples and code available in electronic form Book Info Provides a comprehensive, practical, easy-to-use guide to programming and using the Bourne shell for beginners and experienced users. Illustrates the ability of the shell to unlock the real potential of UNIX and LINUX. Softcover.
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  • 是中文的,有没有英文版 的啊?
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  • 非常不错,已收藏
  • 很不错的一本书,可随手翻阅
  • 这本书写的很好,涉及面很广,
  • 感谢楼主,这书有点略杂乱,不过入门可以。
  • 挺全面的,适合入门,谢谢分享
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  • 比较详细,作为入门确实不错
  • 很好的一本书哦,挺基础的
  • 写得很全面,不错。
  • 涉及很广,不错。有例子。
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  • 这本书写的很好,涉及面很广,linux入门级
  • 这本书写的很好,涉及面很广。
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  • 这本书写的很不错。linux入门级