文件名称:ROCStories Cloze Test 数据集
更新时间:2022-03-19 09:15:01
'Story Cloze Test' is a new commonsense reasoning framework for evaluating story understanding, story generation, and script learning. This test requires a system to choose the correct ending to a four-sentence story. We propose the Story Cloze Test to replace the state-of-the-art for evaluating narrative structure learning, the 'Narrative Cloze Test'
cloze_test_test__spring2016 - cloze_test_ALL_test.csv
cloze_test_val__spring2016 - cloze_test_ALL_val.csv
ROCStories__spring2016 - ROCStories_spring2016.csv
ROCStories_winter2017 - ROCStories_winter2017.csv