Vertebrate anteroposterior patterning: the Xenopus neurectoderm as a paradigm

时间:2024-07-19 12:22:30

文件名称:Vertebrate anteroposterior patterning: the Xenopus neurectoderm as a paradigm



更新时间:2024-07-19 12:22:30

学术 论文

Vertebrate anteroposterior patterning: the Xenopus neurectoderm as a paradigm Vertebrate anteroposterior patterning: the Xenopus neurectoderm as a paradigm Joshua Gamse and Hazel Sive* Summary This review discusses formation of the vertebrate ante- roposterior (AP) axis, focusing on the dorsal ectoderm, which gives rise to the nervous system, using the frog Xenopus as a model. After summarizing classical models of AP neural patterning, we describe recent molecular studies that are encouraging
