Metro Revealed: Building Windows 8 apps with XAML and C#

时间:2015-11-07 16:58:51
文件名称:Metro Revealed: Building Windows 8 apps with XAML and C#
更新时间:2015-11-07 16:58:51
pdf apress metro Apress, 2012 Metro apps are an important addition to Microsoft Windows 8, providing the cornerstone for a single, consistent programming and interaction model across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. The Metro app user experience is very different from previous generations of Windows applications: Metro-style apps are full-screen and favor a usability style that is simple, direct, and free from distractions. What you’ll learn Create and configure Metro applications Implement a touch-enabled user interface Store data and application state using the Metro persistence model Access remote data using Metro networking Package and deploy your Metro application to the app store


  • 谢谢分享啊,资源很不错
  • 绝对是最适合入门的书籍
  • 还不错,有一定的指导性。
  • 看了部分,感觉写的不是很深入,建议看programming windows 第6版,那个很详细
  • 不错的书,对学习很有用
  • 不错,很好的!
  • 之前有看過同作者的另一部著作, 深知這份是非常有用的資源, 值得大力推薦.
  • 很不错的书,对于现在开发win 8应用有指导作用。