Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step by Step,最新资料

时间:2020-12-04 21:01:49
文件名称:Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step by Step,最新资料
更新时间:2020-12-04 21:01:49
Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step Your hands-on guide to Visual C# fundamentals Expand your expertise—and teach yourself the fundamentals of Microsoft Visual C# 2013. If you have previous programming experience but are new to Visual C# 2013, this tutorial delivers the step-by-step guidance and coding exercises you need to master corMIcrosoft Microsoft visual c# 2013 Step by step John Sharp Published with the authorization of Microsoft Corporation by O'Reilly media, Inc 1005 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, California 95472 Copyright@ 2013 by John Sharp All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher. SBN:978-0-7356-8183-5 123456789LS|876543 Printed and bound in the united states of america Microsoft Press books are available through booksellers and distributors worldwide. If you need support related tothisbook, thisbookat Microsoftandthetrademarkslistedathttp.:// Trademarks/ EN-US. aspx are trademarks of the microsoft group of companies. All other marks are property of their respective owners The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, email addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred This book expresses the authors views and opinions. The information contained in this book is provided without any express, statutory, or implied warranties. Neither the authors, O'Reilly Media, Inc, Microsoft Corporation. nor its resellers, or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused either directl or indirectly by this book Acquisitions and Developmental Editor: russell Jones Production Editor: Christopher Hearse Technical reviewer. John mueller Copyeditor: Octal Publishing, Inc Indexer: Ellen troutman Cover Design: Twist Creative. Seattle Cover Composition: Ellie Volckhausen Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest Contents at a glance Introduction ⅩX ART I INTRODUCING MICROSOFT VISUAL C# AND MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2013 HAPTER 1 Welcome to c# CHAPTER 2 Working with variables, operators, and expressions 39 ChaPTER 3 Writing methods and applying scope 65 CHAPTER 4 Using decision statements 93 CHAPTER 5 Using compound assignment and iteration statements 113 CHAPTER 6 Managing errors and exceptions 135 PART II UNDERSTANDING THE C# OBJECT MODEL CHAPTER 7 Creating and managing classes and objects 161 ChAPTeR 8 Understanding values and references 183 CHAPTER 9 Creating value types with enumerations and structures 207 CHAPTER 10 Using arrays 227 CHAPTER 11 Understanding parameter arrays 251 CHAPTER 12 Working with inheritance 263 CHAPTER 13 Creating interfaces and defining abstract classes 287 CHAPTER 14 Using garbage collection and resource management 317 PARTⅢ DEFINING EXTENSIBLE TYPES WITH C# CHAPTER 15 Implementing properties to access fields 341 CHAPTER 16 Using indexers 363 CHAPTER 17 ntroducing generic 381 CHAPTER 18 Using collections 411 CHAPTER 19 Enumerating collections 435 CHAPTER 20 Decoupling application logic and handling events 451 CHAPTER 21 Querying in-memory data by using query expressions 485 CHAPTER 22 Operator overloading 511 PART IV BUILDING PROFESSIONAL WINDOWS 8.1 APPLICATIONS WITH C# CHAPTER 23 Improving throughput by using tasks 537 CHAPTER 24 Improving response time by performing asynchronous operations 581 CHAPTER 25 Implementing the user interface for a Windows Store app 623 CHAPTER 26 isplaying and searching for data in a windows Store app 673 CHAPTER 27 Accessing a remote database from a Windows Store app 721 Index 763 Contents at a glance Contents ,ⅩX PART INTRODUCING MICROSOFT VISUAL C# AND MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2013 Chapter 1 Welcome to C# 3 Beginning programming with the Visual Studio 2013 environment Writing your first program Using namespaces 14 Creating a graphical applicatio 18 Examining the Windows Store app 30 Examining the WPF application Adding code to the graphical application 34 Summary 38 Quick Reference 38 Chapter 2 Working with variables, operators, and expressions 39 Understanding statements Using identifiers 40 Identifying keywords 40 Using variables Naming variables Declaring variables Working with primitive data types Unassigned local variables 43 Displaying primitive data type values 44 What do you think of this book? We want to hear from you! Microsoft is interested in hearing your feed back so we can continually improve our books and learning resources for you To participate in a brief online survey please visit: ing arithmetic operators 52 d perators and typ es Examining arithmetic operators Controlling precedence Using associativity to evaluate expressions ..60 Associativity and the assignment operator 60 Incrementing and decrementing variables 61 Prefix and postfix 61 Declaring implicitly typed local variables 62 Summary 63 Quick Refer 64 Chapter 3 Writing methods and applying scope 65 Creating methods 65 Declaring a method .66 Returning data from a method 67 Calling methods 69 Applying scope 72 Defining local scope 72 Defining class scope 73 Overloading methods 74 Writing methods Using optional parameters and named arguments 83 Defining optional parameters 85 Passing named arguments 85 Resolving ambiguities with optional parameters and named arguments 86 Summa 91 Quick referer 92 Chapter 4 Using decision statements 93 Declaring boolean variables .93 sing boolean operators 94 Contents Understanding equality and relational operators Understanding conditional logical operators .95 Short-circuiting Summarizing operator precedence and associativity 66 Using if statements to make decisions ..97 Understanding if statement syntax Using blocks to group statements 98 Cascading if statements 99 Using switch statement 105 Understanding switch statement syntax 106 Following the switch statement rules 107 Summary 111 Quick reference ....111 Chapter 5 Using compound assignment and iteration statements 113 Using compound assignment operators 113 Writing while statements 115 Writing for Statements Understanding for statement scope 123 Writing do stateme 123 ummar 132 Quick reference 133 Chapter 6 Managing errors and exceptions 135 Coping with errors 135 Trying code and catching exceptions .136 handled Excepti 137 Using multiple catch 138 Catching multiple exceptions 139 Propagating exceptions 145 Using checked and unchecked integer arithmetic 147 Writing checked statements 148 Contents Writing checked expressions 149 Throwing exceptions 152 Using a finally block 156 ummar 158 Quick reference 158 PART UNDERSTANDING THE C# OBJECT MODEL Chapter 7 Creating and managing classes and objects 161 Understanding classification 161 The purpose of encapsulation ....162 Defining and using a class 162 Controlling accessibility 164 Working with constructors 165 Overloading constructors 167 Understanding static methods and data 175 Creating a shared field 176 Creating a static field by using the const keyword 177 Understanding static classes 177 Anonymous classes ...180 Summary .........181 Quick reference 182 Chapter 8 Understanding values and references 183 Copying value type variables and classes ....183 Understanding null values and nullable types 189 Using nullable type 190 Understanding the properties of nullable types .191 Using ref and out parameters .192 Creating ref parameters 193 Creating out parameters .193 How computer memory is organized 195 Using the stack and the heap 197 vu Contents
