更新时间:2022-08-06 22:25:16
Fqutils提供了一套基本的生物信息学序列数据FASTQ格式与命令行工具。格雷格·汉农的优良Fastx工具包套件的补充。的是,它正确地处理FASTQ格式发布的标准,该标准明确允许多行序列和质量得分记录信息每所描述的特征之一,Fqutils。 fqutils旨在作为早期部分postsequencing管道和质量评估进程的一部分,是有用的。 Fqutils provides a basic set of bioinformatics commandline tools for working with sequence data in FASTQ format. It complements Greg Hannon's fine Fastx Toolkit suite. One characteristic of Fqutils is that it correctly handles the full FASTQ format as described by the published standard, which specifically allows multiline sequence and quality score information per record. Fqutils is intended to be useful as part of the early portions of postsequencing pipelines and quality assessment processes. 标签:Fqutils