Business Modeling and Data Mining

时间:2012-03-01 09:17:56
文件名称:Business Modeling and Data Mining
更新时间:2012-03-01 09:17:56
Data Mining Business Modeling Business Modeling and Data Mining by Dorian Pyle ISBN:155860653X Morgan Kaufmann Publishers © 2003 (650 pages) This book explains how to understand both the strategic and tactical aspects of any business problem, identify where the key leverage points are and determine where quantitative techniques of analysis--such as data mining--can yield most benefit.


  • 感觉很高大上,正在学习
  • 好书yeah 有点难
  • 很好的数据挖掘书籍,值得一看。
  • 好书类,朋友推荐的,值得一看的书哟!
  • 先说明一下,如果下载后打开出现问题,你可能要解除锁定。方法是右键点该书,点属性,解除锁定。 或许看过“data mining techniques for marketing, sales, and customer relationship management",这是一本好书,从中你不只是学到干巴巴的数据挖掘算法,更多地是可以学到如何用数据挖掘解决商业问题,这类书不多,其作者在书中就推荐了business modeling and data mining。
  • 这是一本非常不错的书籍,对数据挖掘入门有非常大的帮助。