Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics

时间:2013-12-31 06:19:52
文件名称:Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics
更新时间:2013-12-31 06:19:52
R Graphics R 语言入门的好书。 Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics An Introduction Here are points relating to the use of R that potential users might consider: 1. R has extensive and powerful graphics abilities, that are tightly linked with its analytic abilities. 2. Although there is no official support for R, its informal support network, accessible from the r-help mailing list, can be highly effective. 3. Simple calculations and analyses can be handled straightforwardly, albeit (in the current version) using a command line interface. Chapters 1 and 2 are intended to give the flavour of what is possible without getting deeply into the R language. If simple methods prove inadequate, there can be recourse to the huge range of more advanced abilities that R offers. Adaptation of available abilities allows even greater flexibility. 4. The R community is widely drawn, from application area specialists as well as statistical specialists. It is a community that is sensitive to the potential for misuse of statistical techniques and suspicious of what might appear to be mindless use. Expect scepticism of the use of models that are not susceptible to some minimal form of data-based validation. 5. Because R is free, users have no right to expect attention, on the r-help list or elsewhere, to queries. Be grateful for whatever help is given.


  • 这个R软件资料真不错,谢谢
  • 比中文资料说的透彻多了呢~~~
  • 编排得挺好的,看起来挺方便