Raspberry Pi Robotics Projects [Richard Grimmett]

时间:2019-05-19 05:43:59
文件名称:Raspberry Pi Robotics Projects [Richard Grimmett]
更新时间:2019-05-19 05:43:59
Raspberry Pi Chapter 1, Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, will show you how to power up your Raspberry Pi, connect it to a keyboard, mouse, display, and a remote computer, and how to begin to access potential computing power. Chapter 2, Programming Raspberry Pi, will help you learn the basics of programming Raspberry Pi, both in Python and C programming languages. Chapter 3, Providing Speech Input and Output, will help you teach Raspberry Pi to both speak and listen. Chapter 4, Adding Vision to Raspberry Pi, will teach you to use a standard USB webcam to allow your robotic projects to see. Chapter 5, Creating Mobile Robots on Wheels, will show you how to connect Raspberry Pi to a mobile-wheeled platform and control its motors so that your robots can be mobile. Chapter 6, Making the Unit Very Mobile – Controlling the Movement of a Robot with Legs, will show you how to make your robot able to walk. Chapter 7, Avoiding Obstacles Using Sensors, shows you how to sense the world around you. As your robot is now mobile, you'll want to avoid or find objects. Chapter 8, Going Truly Mobile – The Remote Control of Your Robot, shows you how to control your robot wirelessly as you'll want your robot to move around untethered by cables. Chapter 9, Using a GPS Receiver to Locate Your Robot, shows you how to use a GPS receiver so that your robot will know its location since your robot may get lost if it is mobile. Chapter 10, System Dynamics, focuses on how to bring together all the capabilities of the system to make complex robots. Chapter 11, By Land, By Sea, and By Air, teaches you how to add capabilities to robots that sail, fly, and even go under water.
