文件名称:Design for Testability of Software Components
更新时间:2010-07-03 16:54:28
Components Testability
Component engineering is gaining substantial interest in the software engineering community. A lot of research
efforts have been devoted to the analysis and design methods for component-based software. However, only few
papers address component testability issues and solutions for and solutions for component-based software. This
paper focuses on how to increase component testability using a systematic approach to generate testable software
components. It introduces the new concept of testable components, and discusses its perspectives and the
approaches to increase component testability. The major contribution of this paper is its systematic method to
construct testable components based on the given COTS or in-house components. With this method, various
software components could be validated using a general component test bed and common component test
framework in a systematic manner. The given application examples and case study results show the strong
potential of using this solution to achieve component test automation. In addition, the development of a general
component test bed is also reported.