Introduction to Programming in Java

时间:2018-01-05 05:10:05

文件名称:Introduction to Programming in Java



更新时间:2018-01-05 05:10:05

Robert Sedgewick

Java入门英文版T HE BASIS FOR EDUCATION IN THE last millennium was “reading, writing, and arith- metic;” now it is reading, writing, and computing. Learning to program is an essential part of the education of every student in the sciences and engineering. Beyond direct applications, it is the first step in understanding the nature of com- puter science’s undeniable impact on the modern world. This book aims to teach programming to those who need or want to learn it, in a scientific context. Our primary goal is to empower students by supplying the experience and basic tools necessary to use computation effectively. Our approach is to teach stu- dents that writing a program is a natural, satisfying, and creative experience (not an onerous task reserved for experts). We progressively introduce essential con- cepts, embrace classic applications from applied mathematics and the sciences to illustrate the concepts, and provide opportunities for students to write programs to solve engaging problems.
