Mitchell, R. 抑郁症。 巴尔的摩:企鹅图书,1976 年,112 页,[美元]2.95(纸)

时间:2021-06-29 21:54:30
文件名称:Mitchell, R. 抑郁症。 巴尔的摩:企鹅图书,1976 年,112 页,[美元]2.95(纸)
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:54:30
学术 论文 Mitchell, R. Depression. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1976, 112 pp., [dollar]2.95 (paper) 520 Psychology in the Schools, October, 19?7, Vol. 14, N o . 4 . procedures: lack of detailed description of treatments; lack of adequate baseline data; lack of adequate followup procedures (frequently, for the followup, the researcher just telephoned a parent to find out if all was going well!); lack of system- atic variation of treatment reinforcement contingencies; lack of objective observa- tion;
