MuRoS – Multi-Robot Simulator

时间:2015-01-27 06:16:05
文件名称:MuRoS – Multi-Robot Simulator
更新时间:2015-01-27 06:16:05
多机器人仿真 避障 Some common actions: • To create a new robot: select one of the robots on the bottom toolbar and click at the desired position in the simulator screen to place the robot. • To create objects (“boxes”) for transportation: select one of the object types on the bottom toolbar. For circle and rectangle boxes click and drag the mouse to place the box. For polygons, click the mouse to set the vertices and double click to finish the insertion. The ESC key cancels the insertion. For now, only one box can be created during the simulation. • To create obstacles: the same procedure explained above, but selecting one of the obstacle types instead of objects on the bottom toolbar • To start / stop the simulation: click on the green (start) / red (stop) button on the top toolbar. • To load / save or start a new simulation: click on the correspondent button in the top toolbar. You can also select Save as from the File menu. • To change constants / parameters: there is a dialog box to change dynamically the constants of the potential controllers, collisions and other parameters such as the integration step, etc. Just click on the button on the top toolbar, set the desired values in one of the pages, and click Apply or OK. • To display maps: click on the map button in the top toolbar. For now, only the Labmate robots are configured to build the maps, but this can be easily changed in the source code. • To set a goal: right click on the desired position and choose set goal. • To change a robot orientation: right click on the robot and choose set orientation. • To erase robots or obstacles: select the select button (the arrow in the bottom toolbar), click on the desired robot or obstacle and press Delete in the keyboard.


  • 是2D的,我还以为是模拟机械手臂的,结果不是的
  • 怎么我找不到执行文件啊
  • 非常实用的一个机器人仿真软件。
  • 很不错的小软件!利用multi-robot-simulator可以进行多机器人编队虚拟现实模拟,进而验证各种控制算法的效果
  • 很好,运行速度快,可以在单机条件下进行较好的并行模拟,且可以根据协作任务的需要进行相关扩展。