From a Single- to Multi-Server Online Game:A Quake 3 Case Study Using RTF

时间:2013-06-02 10:21:55

文件名称:From a Single- to Multi-Server Online Game:A Quake 3 Case Study Using RTF



更新时间:2013-06-02 10:21:55

网络游戏 同步server client synchronization

Fast-paced action online games like First Person Shooters (FPS) pose high demands on resources and thus require multi-server architectures in order to scale to higher player numbers. However, their multi-server implementation is a challenging task: the game processing needs to be paral- lelized and the synchronization of the distributed game state needs to be efficiently implemented. As part of the Euro- pean edutain@grid project 1 , we are developing Real-Time Framework (RTF) – a middleware that provides high-level support for the development of multi-server online games. This paper describes a case study on porting the open- source, single-server Quake 3 Arena game engine to a multi- server architecture using RTF and its state replication ap- proach. We conducted extensive scalability and responsive- ness experiments with the ported version of Quake 3 to eval- uate the performance of our middleware. The experiments show that the responsiveness of RTF implementation can compete with the original Quake engine, and that the repli- cation support allows to efficiently scale FPS games using multi-server processing.


  • 很好的资源,可以对Quake的代码有更好的理解