更新时间:2015-02-01 08:51:14
广播 评价
可执行文件 数字音频信号的客观评价 EAQUAL - Evaluation of Audio Quality Version: 0.1.3alpha Author: Alexander Lerch, zplane.development _______________________________________________________ Usage: EAQUAL [-options] -fref reference_file -ftest test_file Options: -bits number of bits per sample (default: -bits 16) -blockout get intermediate results for blocks: -blockout value file_path (valid values are: All, ODG, DI, BWRef, BWTest, NMR, ADB, EHS, ModDiff1, ModDiff2, NoiseLoud, DetProb, RDF, NMRSpec, ModDiffSpec, DetProbSpec, NLSpec)-ch number of channels (default: -ch 2) -forget use forgetting factor (only MFPD) -fref input path for reference file -ftest input path for test file -h print this help -offset shift the test buffer for offset samples (if <0: shift reference buffer for offset samples -silent path for ASCII result file, no output -srate sampling rate of input files (default: -srate 48000) -spl monitoring level in dBSPL(default: -spl 92) -type analysis type: b= BASIC, a=ADVANCED (default: -type b, a not allowed in the moment) -ver print program version