patch for Octave 4.0.0 机器学习课程补丁

时间:2018-11-01 09:07:56
文件名称:patch for Octave 4.0.0 机器学习课程补丁
更新时间:2018-11-01 09:07:56
patch Octave submit peer certificate machine learning课程用Octave 4.0.0提交作业时遇到错误,需要打此补丁。 When you run the submit script, if you are seeing error messages that contain any of these phrases... urlread, curl, urlreadwrite, peer certificate, CA certificate, unsupported protocol, JSONparser are some issues you can check. Are you using Octave 4.0.0? You will need to install this . Follow the instructions in the readme.txt file. Restart Octave after installing the patch. There is a bug in the printf() function, it will be fixed in Octave 4.0.1. The error "JSONparser:invalidFormat: Outer level structure must be an object or an array" error is caused by this bug. Post-installation test: cd to the 'lib' folder, enter this command: "makeValidFieldName('2')". If "ans = x0x32_", the patch was successful. Are you getting an error about "peer certificates"? You will need to install (this) patch if you are using Windows, or (this) this patch if you are using a linux-based operating system (including MacOS). Follow the instructions in the readme.txt file. Restart Octave after installing the patch.


  • 还好, Submission failed: unexpected error: 'savejson'
  • 把ex1里文件替换就可以了,多谢了
  • 这个要怎么安装呢?
  • 东西不错,免得去Google driver下载了。可是楼主忘记附上readme.txt下载后完全不知道怎么用
  • 确实有用,谢谢。