Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours,2nd

时间:2014-10-28 17:39:50
文件名称:Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours,2nd
更新时间:2014-10-28 17:39:50
安卓 android 开发 入门 app Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours,2nd 外国的书籍才是王道,大家好好补补英文吧,这本书有512页,android开发入门必备啊!! Introduction The Android platform is packing some serious heat these days in the mobile marketplace and gaining traction worldwide. The platform has seen numerous advancements in terms of SDK functionality, handset availability, and feature set. A wide diversity of Android handsets and devices are now in consumers’ hands—and we’re not just talking about smartphones: The Android platform is used by tablets, netbooks, e-book readers (such as the Barnes & Noble nook), the much-hyped Google TV, digital photo frames, and a variety of other consumer electronics. Mobile operators and carriers are taking the platform seri- ously and spending big bucks on ad campaigns for Android devices. In the past two years, the Android platform has transitioned from an early-adopter plat- form to providing some serious competition to more established platforms. (Yes, we’re talk- ing about platforms such as the iPhone and BlackBerry.) Not only is Android the number one global smartphone platform, having surpassed Symbian by the end of 2010 (, but it’s also gained standing among consumers as the most desired smartphone operating system in the U.S. (—a claim supported by 50% of all new smartphone sales (double the sales rate of second place iOS, with 25%) and 37% of all smartphones in the U.S. (second place is iOS, with 27%). But let’s not digress into an argument over which platform is better, okay? Because, hon- estly, you’re wasting your time if you think there’s one platform to rule them all. The reali- ty is that people the world over use different phones, in different places, for different rea- sons—reasons such as price, availability, coverage quality, feature set, design, familiarity, compatibility. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this debate. Having developed for just about every major mobile platform out there, we are keenly aware of the benefits and drawbacks of each platform. We do not presume to claim that one platform is better than another in general; each platform has distinct advantages over the rest, and these advantages can be maximized. The trick is to know which plat- form to use for a given project. Sometimes, the answer is to use as many platforms as pos- sible. Lately, we’ve been finding that the answer is the Android platform. It’s inexpensive and easy to develop for; it’s available to millions of potential users worldwide; and it has fewer limitations than other platforms. Still, the Android platform is relatively young and has not yet reached its full-fledged potential. This means frequent SDK updates, an explosion of new devices on the market, and a nearly full-time job keeping track of everything going on in the Android world. In other words, it might be a bit of a bumpy ride, but there’s still time to jump on this band- wagon, write some kick-butt applications, and make a name for yourself. So let’s get to it.
