Best Resumes for College Students And New Grads Jump - Start Your Career

时间:2013-03-31 04:56:07
文件名称:Best Resumes for College Students And New Grads Jump - Start Your Career
更新时间:2013-03-31 04:56:07
resume Review "Innovative ways to handle basic information is the reason why this book deserves a place on your reference bookshelf." -- Resume Writers Digest Product Description Helps students by describing skills and attributes that are valuable in the workplace, answering common questions, delivering expert advice that is relevant in today's hiring market, and showcasing high-quality resumes and cover letters prepared by professional resume writers—all written for college students or new graduates. It is a comprehensive resource appropriate for diverse college majors, both undergraduate and graduate, as well as for students seeking internships and co-op jobs while still in school. Key Features * A large collection of more than 100 top-notch sample resumes written by professional resume writers and career counselors, targeted to help college students and graduates at all levels land the job they want. * Internet job search and resume help. * Self-evaluation worksheets to help readers discover their skills and adapt their college experience to the real world. * Guidance on writing all types of job search correspondence, such as cover letters, thank-you notes, job acceptance letters, and job declination letters. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.


  • 系统的学习了一下,然后给自己做了一份英文简历,投出去了,效果不错,这本书很有指导意义