Advanced R programming-By Hadley Wickham

时间:2017-11-16 11:16:52
文件名称:Advanced R programming-By Hadley Wickham
更新时间:2017-11-16 11:16:52
R DataMining This book is aimed at two complementary audiences: • Intermediate R programmers who want to dive deeper into R and learn more strategies for solving diverse problems • Programmers from other languages who are learning R, and want to understand why R works the way it does. To get the most out of this book, you will need to have written a decent amount of code in either R or other programming languages. You should be familiar with how functions work in R, although you might not know all the details, and you should be somewhat familiar with the apply family of functions (like apply() and lapply()), although you may currently struggle to use them effectively.


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  • R语言开发必读的一本好书!
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  • 可以学习R的函数式编程,很好
  • 可以使用,R语言极好的参考资料
  • 已有R基礎的學習者, 可參考的進階實用R好書.
  • 稀缺资源。R语言编程的极佳参考资料。
  • 不错。。正在学习过程中
  • 稀缺资源。R语言编程的极佳参考资料。作者是R语言编程的专家。本书主要着力在R语言编程上,而不是单纯讲如何用R语言做统计。