Relationships between family background problems and school problems and competencies of young normal children

时间:2021-06-29 21:53:01
文件名称:Relationships between family background problems and school problems and competencies of young normal children
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:53:01
学术 论文 Relationships between family background problems and school problems and competencies of young normal children RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN FAMILY BACKGROUND PROBLEMS AND SCHOOL PROBLEMS AND COblPETENCIES OF YOUNG NORMAL CHILDREN' MARY F. BOIKE, ELLIS L. GESTEN, EMORY L. COWEN Utiiversity o j Rochester ROBERT D. FELNER RAYMOND FRANCIS Yale Uriicersity Rzdgway ( P a . ) Psychiatric Center Demographically matched groups of normal, nonreferred children who had, or had not, experienced one
