文件名称:FME CRACK(超好用)
更新时间:2014-02-18 15:13:34
FME CRACK:fme是现今超级好用的数据转换软件,(SafeFLEXlmInstaller.msi、licgen.exe、instructions(安装说明).txt) Install SafeFLEXlmInstaller.msi (if it complains about missing device, ignore the error) Run the licgen.exe, and put the generated safe.lic file into C:\Program Files\FlexServer\ Run C:\Program Files\FlexServer\BatchFiles\restartService.bat Install fme_all_grids_5666.exe At the FME Licensing Wizard: Select "I would like to connect to a floating license (FLEXlm) server." Enter "localhost" as the license server (without the quotes of course) Select the license type you like Note: You can re-run the licensing wizard later if you wish to change the licensing type by using the "FME Licensing Wizard" from the Start menu, Programs, FME.