fortran 加权 EOF 代码

时间:2017-02-24 12:30:35
文件名称:fortran 加权 EOF 代码
更新时间:2017-02-24 12:30:35
fortran EOF 气象 fortran 面积加权 eof 代码 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C C C A. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS C C 8 EMPIRICAL ORTHOGONAL FUNCTIONS (EOF's) AND C C ROTATED EMPIRICAL ORTHOGONAL FUNCTIONS (REOF's) C C (1) reof C C (2) transf C C (3) crossproduct C C (4) jcb C C (5) arrang C C (6) tcoeff C C (7) rotator C C (8) arrange2 C C (9) meanvar C C (10)initial C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c !*****Time-Space transfermation is used for saving calculational time. c The missing values (terrain), annual cycle and the grids whose variance c equal to zero are removed (added) before (after) calling the subroutine. c By Dong Xiao and Dr. Jianping Li, Jul. 17, 2006. c c Reference: 《Methods for Diagnosing and Forecasting Climate Variability》 c By Hongbao Wu and Lei Wu, published in 2005. China Metorology Press. c c Questions, suggestions or GS file for drawing pictures? Emial us, please! c E-mail:, c c Cite: Li, J., and D. Xiao, 2006: REOF subroutine, c c-----*----------------------------------------------------6---------7-- c c Warning: the stacks of this subroutine may overflow in personal computer (PC). c If you want to compute it on PC, please delete the expressions '*4' c in 68, 170, 177, 184 and 191, and go on. c c The parameters you need to change: c n---length of time series, viz. sample size; c mx---grids in row; c my---grids in column; c np---num. of eigenvectors to rotate; c undef---missing value; c mg1 and mg2---the efficient grids (output on screen) and cancel the c "stop" in line 109, try again. c ks=-1,0,1: see the caption of the REOF subroutine. c km=1: monthly or daily data. km=0: data without annual cycle. c nd: the number of the months or days in a year. c c-----*----------------------------------------------------6---------7--
