《Principles of Communication System Simulation with Wireless Aplications》源代码

时间:2013-03-25 16:01:10
文件名称:《Principles of Communication System Simulation with Wireless Aplications》源代码
更新时间:2013-03-25 16:01:10
communication,simulation 《Principles of Communication System Simulation with Wireless Aplications》书中附带的源代码,虽然可以在网上找到,但是链接不是那么好找。费了一番功夫,找出来给大家共享。 The hands-on, example-rich guide to modeling and simulating advanced communications systems. Simulation is an important tool used by engineers to design and implement advanced communication systems that deliver optimal performance. This book is a hands-on, example-rich guide to modeling and simulating advanced communications systems. The authors take a systems-level approach, integrating digital communications, channel modeling, coding, elementary statistical estimation techniques, and other essential facets of modeling and simulation. This is the first book to present complete simulation models built with MATLAB that can serve as virtual laboratories for predicting the impact of system design changes. Coverage includes: Role of simulation in communication systems engineering Simulation approaches and methodologies Signal and system representations, filter models, noise generation, Monte Carlo simulation, and postprocessing Advanced techniques for modeling and simulating nonlinear and time-varying systems Waveform level and discrete channel models Performance estimation via Monte Carlo simulation Semianalytic simulation techniques Variance reduction techniques Co-channel interference in wireless communication systems, and more The authors also present detailed case studies covering phase-locked loops, CDMA systems, multichannel nonlinear systems, as well as a start-to-finish simulation of an advanced cellular radio system. Prentice Hall Series in Communications Engineering & Emerging Technologies, Theodore S. Rappaport, Editor Support File(s) Prepared by: William H. Tranter Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Virginia Tech - Mail Code 0350 Blacksburg, VA 24061 email: btranter@vt.edu Revision Dates: March, 20, 2004 June 14, 2004 The collection of folders contained herein provide the MATLAB source code for all programs contained in the textbook: W. H. Tranter, K. S. Shanmugan, T. S. Rappaport, and K. L. Kosbar, Principles of Communications System Simulation with Wireless Applications, Printice Hall PTR, 2004 (ISBN 0-13-494790-8) Please report any errors, omissions, or suggestions to W. H. Tranter at btranter@vt.edu. Disclaimers: The authors have used reasonable care to ensure that the MATLAB programs given in the book are correct and all programs executed properly using MATLAB Version (January 17, 1998). The authors realize that this is an old version of MATLAB. This was done on purpose so that the latest version of MATLAB need not be required by the user. For the most part, MATLAB programs developed on older versions of MATLAB can be properly executed on newer versions of MATLAB. Sometimes, however, this is not the case and changes in MATLAB library functions result in compatibility problems. Most of these problems are easily fixed by one familiar with MATLAB code development. Should difficulties occur one should obvious carefully examine the code in the m-file of interest. The first item to check should be the argument list. A number of compatibility issues have been traced to changes made in argument lists. The programs are developed for teaching purposes and are not intended to support the design or analysis of commercial hardware or software. In addition, many of the simulation programs are not written in the most efficient manner so that the signal processing algorithms can be easily understood by the student. Where speed of execution is a problem, the code can be written more efficiently, or the MATLAB code can rewritten in a language that can be easily compiled with the MATLAB code serving as the prototype. Program Folders and Files: The code is arranged by chapter with the code for each chapter in a separate folder. Each MATLAB program is in an individual file. The folder names are denoted Chapter_X where X denotes the chapter number. Folders are given for Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. There are no folders for Chapters 1, 2, and 11, since these three chapters contain no MATLAB code. Programs within folders follow the naming conventions given in the textbook. In some cases there will be a README file in a given folder that indicates changes made from the files given in the textbook. In addition, some programs are contained in more than one folder. These are supporting programs and are used with main programs appearing in more than one chapter. An effort was made to not require MATLAB add-on toolboxes in order to execute the programs given here. However, the Signal and Systems Toolbox is required a number of programs, especially those in Chapter 5.


  • 非常感谢。本来只是在找那本书
  • 找另外一个东西,无意发现的,看了一下,很不错,
  • 谢谢分享,书和代码配套最好了
  • 有用的源碼有助於了解無線通訊協定
  • 很有用,谢谢了
  • 楼主真是及时雨啊!有了matlab code,对书籍的理解就容易多了。
  • It's necessary and convenient to have this source code when reading that text book
  • 给朋友下载的,据说不错,不过说开始看起来有点吃力,因为不是通信科班出身
  • 这是随书配套的程序很不错,感谢分享,对我很有帮助,例子很经典