How to think like a Computer Scientist

时间:2014-04-05 02:03:36
文件名称:How to think like a Computer Scientist
更新时间:2014-04-05 02:03:36
How to think like a How and why I came to use Python In 1999, the College Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science exam was given in C++ for the ˉrst time. As in many high schools throughout the country, the decision to change languages had a direct impact on the computer science curriculum at Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virginia, where I teach. Up to this point, Pascal was the language of instruction in both our ˉrst-year and AP courses. In keeping with past practice of giving students two years of exposure to the same language, we made the decision to switch to C++ in the ˉrst-year course for the 1997-98 school year so that we would be in step with the College Board's change for the AP course the following year. Two years later, I was convinced that C++ was a poor choice to use for in- troducing students to computer science. While it is certainly a very powerful programming language, it is also an extremely di±cult language to learn and teach. I found myself constantly ˉghtin…


  • 还不错的书,感谢!
  • 适合初学者使用,很不错。
  • 看着别人说挺好的,就下下来看看。
  • 不错 挺有用的
  • 绝对值得拜读啊。
  • 书内容不错,讲的都是编程的基础知识,需要仔细看过后会收获很大。
  • 没有目录,读起来不方便