优雅的SciPy 英文版 Elegant SciPy

时间:2021-07-10 03:44:48
文件名称:优雅的SciPy 英文版 Elegant SciPy
更新时间:2021-07-10 03:44:48
数据分析 科学计算 Python SciPy NumPy Explore the NumPy array, the data structure that underlies numerical scientific computation Use quantile normalization to ensure that measurements fit a specific distribution Represent separate regions in an image with a Region Adjacency Graph Convert temporal or spatial data into frequency domain data with the Fast Fourier Transform Solve sparse matrix problems, including image segmentations, with SciPy’s sparse module Perform linear algebra by using SciPy packages Explore image alignment (registration) with SciPy’s optimize module Process large datasets with Python data streaming primitives and the Toolz library
