文件名称:Unified Interbase(UIB)控件包
更新时间:2009-03-15 02:52:39
控件 数据库相关 源码 资源
最近连续上传了几个关于Firebird的东西,这又是一个,以前曾上传过他的1.1C版,现在升级了再简单介绍一下UIB is a set of components to use Interbase, FireBird and YAFFIL.These components were born from the need to use Interbase, FireBird or Yaffil indifferently as fast as possible in a Multithreading environment, a Server for example. UIB have a Borland Compliant conversion API for Interbase, FireBird and YAFFIL. UIB Include a Client Server ORB (Object Request Broquer) working with Indy. UIB include 7 components:TJvUIBDatabase. TJvUIBTransaction.TJvUIBQuery.TJvUIBBackup.TJvUIBRestore.TJvUIBScript.TJvUIBDataSet.她现在已经并入JEDI了,但主页上仍然提供独立版