3D Math Primer for graphics and game development

时间:2012-04-28 14:09:17
文件名称:3D Math Primer for graphics and game development
更新时间:2012-04-28 14:09:17
3d, math, graphics,game,direct3d If you want to learn about 3D math in order to program games or graphics, then this book is for you. There are many books out there that promise to teach you how to make a game or put cool pictures up on the screen, so why should you read this particular book? This book offers several unique advantages over other books about games or graphics programming:  A unique topic. This book fills a gap that has been left by other books on graphics, linear algebra, simulation, and programming. It is an introductory book, meaning we have focused our efforts on providing thorough coverage on fundamental 3D concepts — topics that are normally glossed over in a few quick pages or relegated to an appendix in other publications (because, after all, you already know all this stuff). Our book is definitely the book you should read first, before buying that “Write a 3DVideoGame in 21Days” book. This book is not only an introductory book, it is also a reference book — a “toolbox” of equations and techniques that you can browse through on a first reading and then revisit when the need for a specific tool arises. 1 A unique approach. We take a three-pronged approach to the subject matter: math, geome- try, and code. The math part is the equations and numbers. This is where most books stop. Of course, the math is important, but to make it powerful, you have to have good intuition about how the math connects with the geometry.We will show you not just one but multiple ways to relate the numbers with the geometry on a variety of subjects, such as orientation in 3D, matrix multiplication, and quaternions. After the intuition comes the implementation; the code part is the practical part.We show real usable code that makes programming 3D math as easy as possible.  Unique authors. Our combined experience brings together academic authority with in-the-trenches practical advice. Fletcher Dunn has six years of professional game program- ming experience and several titles under his belt on a variety of gaming platforms. He is cur- rently employed as the principal programmer at Terminal Reality and is the lead programmer on BloodRayne.Dr. Ian Parberry has 18 years of experience in research and teaching in acade- mia. This is his sixth book, his third on game programming. He is currently a tenured full pro- fessor in the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of North Texas. He is nationally known as one of the pioneers of game programming in higher education and has been teaching game programming to undergraduates at the University of North Texas since 1993.  Unique pictures. You cannot learn about a subject like 3D by just reading text or looking at equations. You need pictures, and this book has plenty of them. Flipping through, you will notice that in many sections there is one on almost every page. In other words, we don’t just tell you something about 3D math, we show you. You’ll also notice that pictures often appear beside equations or code. Again, this is a result of our unique approach that combines mathe- matical theory, geometric intuition, and practical implementation.  Unique code. Unlike the code in some other books, the classes in this book are not designed to provide every possible operation you could ever want. They are designed to perform spe- cific functions very well and to be easy to understand and difficult to misuse. Because of their simple and focused semantics, you can write a line of code and have it work the first time, without twiddling minus signs, swapping sines and cosines, transposing matrices, or other- wise employing “random engineering” until it looks right. Many other books exhibit a com- mon class design flaw of providing every possible operation when only a few are actually useful.  A unique writing style. Our style is informal and entertaining, but formal and precise when clarity is important. Our goal is not to amuse you with unrelated anecdotes, but to engage you with interesting examples.  A unique web page. This book does not come with a CD. CDs are expensive and cannot be updated once they are released. Instead, we have created a companion web page, gamemath.com. There you will be able to experience interactive demos of some of the con- cepts that are the hardest to grasp from text and diagrams. You can also download the code (including any bug fixes!) and other useful utilities, find the answers to the exercises, and check out links to other sites concerning 3D math, graphics, and programming.
3D Math Primer for graphics and game development.pdf


  • 挺不错的一本书
  • 内容ok,但是没有目录,看起来不方便
  • 非常感谢,终于找到了
  • 这本书非常详细的讲解了计算机图形图像。
  • 中文的书买来看了,讲得很好,特意下载英文版再看看。
  • 没有目录,看起来不方便。
  • 资源是对的,可以放心下载!
  • 内容ok,但是没有目录,看起来不方便。
  • 这本书很好。。挺详细的。。推荐~~
  • 非常经典的讲解3D游戏开发的书,值得参考
  • 这本书真的很好,是数学与3D程序的桥梁。我认为很好。
  • 。。挺详细的。。推荐~~
  • 非扫描的,很清楚。
  • 本来有一本中文的,好多地方翻译得看不懂,还是原版好!
  • 英文版,经典书,适合当参考书
  • 将抽象的数学知识讲解的通俗易懂!可以经常翻翻
  • 书不错, 通俗易懂, 数学基础要求不高
  • 对我来说有点难 数学基础忘得差不多了
  • 可惜没书签目录内容找起来有些麻烦
  • 放大之后会显示错误,不知道什么原因
  • 非常清晰,正好想找一些介绍quaternion的东西,这个资源非常好。谢谢楼主分享!
  • 比中文版的清楚很多啊
  • 这本书不错,我已经买了纸质的。
  • 书不错, 通俗易懂, 数学基础要求不高
  • 理论性很强,但不适合从头到尾一直看,可以作为参考书,用到的时候翻一翻