更新时间:2014-01-14 06:36:32
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire Datecode 2003250 (C) PTC 苘? 苘? 苘? 圹圹槽圮 苒圹槽圮 圹圹槽圮 捋槽咣圹?鄄圹哌圹槽捋槽咣圹? 圹圯 鄄?圹圯 捋?圹圯 鄄? 圹?苒圹捋圹 圹圯圹?苒圹 薏圹鄄圻 鄄圯 捋?薏圹鄄圻 圹圻咣圹 圹? 圹圯圹圻咣圹 鄄? 鄄圯圹圯 薏?鄄? 鄄圯 圹? 捋圹捋槽圮圹圯 圹? 捋圹 捋槽?捋草 咣圹膊圻 捋槽?捋草 哌哌?哌? 哌? 哌哌?哌? ?哪哪?*(TEAM ROR 2003)*哪--? INSTALL NOTES: Use ROR's Lic Generator to generate the license file for your PTC HostID, use this license file as Locked license file for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire installation. Enjoy this fine release from TEAM ROR :)