软件 定义 无线电

时间:2016-01-02 06:41:29
文件名称:软件 定义 无线电
更新时间:2016-01-02 06:41:29
软件 定义 无线电 In the past, radio systems were designed to communicate using one or two waveforms. As a result, two groups of people with different types of traditional radio were not able to communicate due to incompatibility problems. For example, the communication equipment of the United States’ military branches could not “talk” to each other. This problem could be costly in times of war (e.g. the Air Force could not communicate with the Army) and during peace (e.g. police could not communicate with fire fighters). The need to communicate with people using different types of equipment can only be solved using software programmable radios because of its flexible architecture.
