
时间:2023-05-05 13:28:20




更新时间:2023-05-05 13:28:20

caffe 深度学习

Prior to installing, have a glance through this guide and take note of the details for your platform. We install and run Caffe on Ubuntu 16.04–12.04, OS X 10.11–10.8, and through Docker and AWS. The official Makefile and Makefile.config build are complemented by a community CMake build. Step-by-step Instructions: Docker setup out-of-the-box brewing Ubuntu installation the standard platform Debian installation install caffe with a single command OS X installation RHEL / CentOS / Fedora installation Windows see the Windows branch led by Guillaume Dumont OpenCL see the OpenCL branch led by F* Tschopp AWS AMI pre-configured for AWS
