白皮书 Office SharePoint Server 2007 服务器场体系结构

时间:2012-05-19 08:03:15

文件名称:白皮书 Office SharePoint Server 2007 服务器场体系结构



更新时间:2012-05-19 08:03:15


This white paper introduces server farms and how you can use them to address scalability and reliability issues. It explains how you can use Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 and Windows® SharePoint Services 3.0 in server farms and describes typical layouts for Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies server farms. Finally, it describes how to deploy Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 in a server farm environment. When you deploy a server-side solution, you must plan how your solution will respond to increased workloads, changing user requirements, and server failures. You can use a server farm deployment model to help ensure that your solution is scalable, flexible, and resilient to hardware failures. In this section, we: • Explain what a server farm is. • Describe how to increase scalability with server farms. • Describe how to increase solution availability with server farms. • Explain how to improve solution flexibility and manageability with server farms. • Evaluate real-world server farm scenarios.
